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Millennials' Guide to K-12 Education: What No One Ever Told You about How to Help Your Child THRIVE in School New

"Managing your kids' education is one of the most overwhelming things a parent will ever do. What schools are best? How do you make sure your child is getting the most out of his or her education? Michele Gill has provided an invaluable guide that will bring so much relief to millennial parents, as well as parents of all generations. I'm recommending this to all of my friends with kids!" - Jen Fulwiler, author of One Beautiful Dream

In her groundbreaking new book, Michele Gill integrates research and practical experience to provide a comprehensive guide to navigating K12 schooling issues so parents can help their children thrive in school. Each chapter contains a list of essential information on key issues affecting students today. Michele provides insider information that few parents know, but which has the potential to make a dramatic difference in your children's lives.

Michele draws from over 30 years' experience working with schools and teachers, as a teacher, educational researcher, school reformer, and parent of two boys. She is the co-editor of the
International Handbook of Research on Teachers' Beliefs, an academic handbook focused on teacher change. Now she turns her attention to parents, as she believes that by sharing critical knowledge about schooling, kids' development, and learning, parents will be empowered to advocate for their kids and even influence their local schools for the benefit of all kids. In this book, Michele highlights key information on such issues as schooling options, teachers, enrichment experiences, learning and motivation, individual student differences, and ways to influence educational policy and practice, liberally sprinkling in stories from her own parenting experiences.

This practical guide includes:
  • Up-to-date advice on how to navigate school choice options
  • How to pivot during a pandemic
  • Why private schools aren't necessarily better than public schools
  • Key indicators to tell if a school is a good fit for your child
  • The top 7 ways to improve your child's motivation to learn
  • How to survive the homework battle
  • How to level the playing field for your child through educational enrichment
  • School and teacher checklists you can use to evaluate your child's current learning environment
  • Plus, targeted strategies for students who struggle with reading, math, bullying, ADHD, and other issues that can make schooling so hard for our kids
  • The top 10 things parents can do to improve their kids' overall education

From the introduction:
In this book, I pour everything I know from my vast experience in K-12 schooling to empower you to make sound educational decisions for your child that can profoundly affect the rest of their lives. There’s so much conflicting advice out there, and one of my superpowers is my ability to distill research and practical experience to get at the core components of a particular topic. My goal is to give a “big picture” view of the educational landscape, and critical issues pertaining to it, so that you can navigate your child’s school years with greater confidence and understanding.

  • Publisher Winding Pathway Books (25 Oct. 2021)
    Paperback 373 pages
    Dimensions 13.97 x 2.13 x 21.59 cm
    Language English
    Book Type Paperback
    ISBN-10 1954374984
    ISBN-13 978-1954374980


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Millennials' Guide to K-12 Education: What No One Ever Told You about How to Hel

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