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Katy'S Farmhouse Kitchen: Rural Recipes and Saucy Stories to Savour

Restart Plan for Cooking and Livin’ the Good Life

Katy’s Farmhouse Kitchen: Rural Recipes and Saucy Stories to Savour is the perfect book for our times. It is a restart plan for cooking genius and creativity. Like a good ol’ batch of sour dough starter, it will ferment and bubble and provide a transformative boost. It will inspire you to live the life you want.

Transformation to Uber Delicious

The spirit of rural cooks lives on! Learn how to combine sour, sweet, salty, fat, and umami (SSS FU). Transform ingredients, even leftovers, into a delicious meal, like veggie burgers. Soups will take on a new dimension. Over the years, guests keep on returning to Cook Katy’s and Farmer John’s award-winning farm to table restaurant to enjoy country kitchen fare such as:

  • Best Chocolate Cake and Icing ever!
  • Ms. Katy’s Secret Foolproof Pavlova
  • Countryside Katy’s Bread Buns, easy and super delicious
  • Naturally Fermented Sauerkraut, includes the sauerkraut story
  • Chicken Pot Pie and Quiche, with foolproof flaky piecrust
  • The story and secrets behind Farmer John’s Best Wood-fired Oven Pizza
  • Pumpkin and Fruit Pie, with the skin on!
  • John and Katy’s Alderlea Salad Dressing (makes any salad a true love story)
  • Farm Fresh Green Supreme Borek (simple, nutritious, and loved by all ages)

Now Katy shares her recipes with you along with heart-warming and often funny stories of life on the farm. As you begin to live the spirit of rural cooks, you’ll put the “culture” back into agriculture as you learn to make

  • beeswax furniture polish,
  • natural cleaning solution,
  • potting soil,
  • and other rural recipes for growing success

How We Can Live on the Earth

This book offers us exactly what you may need now. Author, Micheal Ableman writes, “Living in challenging times, we all need to remember the value of good food and the power of stories that come from a life lived fully on the land. Told with lightness and passion, and exuding with joy, this book not only provides recipes for sauerkraut and quiche and baked beans, but for how we can live on this earth.”

Out of the Box - Something to Chew On

Not only does the book describe how the farm and restaurant were built around community supported agriculture (CSA), but the idea of community supported parenting (CSP) is introduced and will resonate with all who support the youth in our communities. Katy offers a bunch of goodies and treats, pulling out a few tricks up her sleeve. Right to the last page, she offers up the basic ingredients to a good life that give us all something to chew on including:

  • Self-help Guide to Living in the Real World
  • Deep Food Connections, Inside and Out
  • Crop Circles in Hay Fields
  • Taming and Cooking the Monster of the Woods - Wild Nettle

Secrets of Farming - Worth its Weight in Golden Compost

Know your farmer; know your food, takes on a whole new meaning. Secrets of farming and gardening whisper through-out the book, enlivening our connections to the earth and real food. This 200-page book is worth its weight in golden compost and will provide pleasure for years to come.

  • Dimensions 20.32 x 1.3 x 25.4 cm
    Language English
    Print length 214 pages
    Book Type Paperback
    ISBN-10 1999186001
    ISBN-13 978-1999186005
    Publication date 22 Jun. 2020


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Katy'S Farmhouse Kitchen: Rural Recipes and Saucy Stories to Savour NEW BOOK

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